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An episiotomy is sometimes needed during a vaginal birth in order to increase the vaginal opening so that the baby can come through more easily. Recovering from an episiotomy can be uncomfortable, and in some cases can cause lasting discomfort and even pain, especially during intercourse.

If you had an episiotomy that healed poorly and is causing pain or discomfort, you may be a candidate for episiotomy revision surgery. This surgery aims to correct complications that arose during an episiotomy so that you can fully heal and find relief from your discomfort.

Our cosmetic gynecologist Dr. Rita Shats has extensive experience helping women who have experienced complications from childbirth. Call New Look New Life today at 212-830-6830 to schedule your consultation at our Manhattan or Westchester office.

What Is an Episiotomy?

An episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) in order to facilitate childbirth. In the past, episiotomies were a standard procedure during vaginal births as it was thought a surgical incision would heal better than a tear. However, in recent years doctors have realized that this is not the case, and episiotomies are only performed when necessary.

Episiotomies can cause complications such as:

  • Fistula (a hole between the vagina and rectum)

  • Formation of a “trigger point” that makes intercourse or even tampon insertion painful

  • Granulation tissue

  • Knots or other abnormalities

These complications can cause a severe decrease in your quality of life, and generally will persist without healing on their own. A revision of your episiotomy can help you feel normal again and restore your quality of life.

Revision Episiotomy Candidates

If you’ve had an episiotomy that didn’t heal well or is causing lasting pain, you’re likely a good candidate for a revision. In addition, candidates for revision episiotomy:

  • Are in good general health

  • Understand the risks

  • Are able to take some time off for recovery

  • Want to restore their ability to have sexual intercourse

  • Are bothered by pain or discomfort that has not dissipated although significant time has passed since their procedure

You can have a revision episiotomy even years after your original procedure. It’s never too late to regain the quality of life you might have thought you lost forever.

Recovery After Revision Episiotomy

Recovery after a revision episiotomy is approximately the same duration as after an original episiotomy. It may be longer or shorter depending on the extent and complexity of surgery.

During your recovery, you’ll need to take care not to strain the area in any way so that the revision heals properly. You’ll have restrictions on activities you can do, and you’ll be sore and tender. You’ll have prescription medications to help you through the first few days, and Dr. Shats will give you tips to help make your recovery easier.

Although it may seem daunting to have to undergo another surgery and long recovery, most women are very happy that they underwent this procedure. The increase in quality of life tends to be well worth the initial pain to get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

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