New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts provides a welcoming atmosphere where you, the patient, are our top priority. Our cosmetic surgeons and experienced medical staff strive for the highest level of patient safety and satisfaction. Each procedure or treatment is customized to help achieve your aesthetic goals for your face or body. Our reputable doctors are committed to helping you improve your appearance and self-confidence. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with board-certified cosmetic surgeons and an unmatched quality of care, our New York Boutique Practice can deliver stunning surgical and non-surgical results.

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Are you struggling to lose your pesky double chin despite eating right and exercising? That little bit of stubborn fat that resides beneath your chin can often be more difficult to treat than other areas of your body. Even when the inches are falling off your waistline, your face may see little to no change, causing you to feel self-conscious and frustrated. New Look New Life is excited to now offer a new, non-surgical solution to this very problem—it’s called KYBELLA®.
What is KYBELLA®?
15 to 20-minute treatments with little to no downtime.
KYBELLA® is the first FDA-approved treatment of its kind, using a safe injectable solution to eliminate hard-to-treat submental fat (the pad of fat that hangs out beneath your chin and jawline). Unlike traditional methods of facial fat reduction, KYBELLA® is non-surgical and most patients can return to their daily routine with little to no downtime.
The secret to KYBELLA® is deoxycholic acid, an FDA approved solution that liquefies and eliminates the problem submental fat cells when injected professionally by your board-certified New Look New Life cosmetic surgeon. No incisions. No liposuction. KYBELLA® is chin fat reduction made simple so you can worry less about missing time from your busy schedule, and enjoy feeling confident in your appearance.
Should I consider KYBELLA®?
KYBELLA® is a great option for anyone having trouble losing excess fat beneath their chin. This can be the result of genetics, uneven weight loss, or a variety of other factors. It is important that you are at a healthy weight and living a healthy lifestyle before considering KYBELLA®. While this treatment can help reduce the size of a double chin, it is not intended for large-scale fat reduction.
When can I schedule a KYBELLA® treatment?
During your consultation at New Look New Life, we will help determine if KYBELLA® is the right choice for helping to achieve your goal appearance. The details of the procedure will be explained and you may ask any questions you have. Once you feel comfortable moving forward, we can schedule your first KYBELLA® treatment.
How should I prepare for KYBELLA®?
Because KYBELLA® is a non-surgical injectable procedure, little preparation is necessary. Your treatment will be explained in detail and we will provide you with any necessary preparation guidelines before you come in on the day of your treatment.
How is KYBELLA® performed?
Depending on your unique situation and the amount of excess fat, we may recommend a series of up to six KYBELLA® sessions. Each session should take no longer than 15 to 20 minutes and may include up to 50 injections. Once your treatment is complete, you should be able to return to your daily routine with little to no downtime. Each individual KYBELLA® session should be scheduled about a month apart. In clinical studies of KYBELLA®, 80 percent of patients saw significant results after just their fourth KYBELLA® treatment.
What is KYBELLA® recovery like?
One of the main perks of KYBELLA® is that there is often no recovery period. Many patients come in during their lunch break and return to the rest of their workday shortly after.