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How Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini Can Use Your Own Fat Cells to Sculpt Your Face or Body

Writer's picture: New Look New LifeNew Look New Life
Karlinsky, Fat Grafting - Image

Did you know that fat grafting and nano fat injections can add volume and smooth out wrinkles? Permanently. Recently, Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini of New York City’s New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts took time out of her busy schedule as a board certified cosmetic surgeon to sit down with us and explain these revolutionary procedures.

Q: You offer both fat grafting and nano fat injections. How do they differ?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Briefly, fat grafting is designed to add volume to the face or body. Nano fat injections are for the face only to improve the texture of the skin and eliminate substantial wrinkles and fine lines. The fact is that they can be used individually or in combination, depending on the needs of each patient.

Let me discuss each procedure separately.

Q: OK, what is fat grafting?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Fat grafting is a safe procedure that provides a natural solution to address volume loss. It restores facial tissues that have lost volume during the aging process, or fill depressed areas due to acne, scarring or disease. It can restore sunken cheeks, chin or laugh lines; lift the brow; fill out skin depressions or indentations; minimize forehead wrinkles; enhance the lips; or fill specific areas of the breasts or buttocks. It is also effective to address trauma or congenital problems.

Q: How is fat grafting done?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: During the procedure, I perform liposuction to remove (harvest) fat from an area or areas on the body, such as the buttocks or abdomen. This fat will be processed in very sophisticated centrifuge and then injected into the area that concerns the patient. Since a person’s own natural fat cells are used, there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

Q: So, does this mean that you slim a part of the body and plump up another? Sounds like a double benefit.

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: That’s absolutely right. I can “sculpt” a part of the body and use that excess fat to rejuvenate another part of the face or body. It sounds like magic but actually it’s just great science.

Q: How long does fat grafting last?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: It is permanent. When fat is injected, about 70 percent of the fat cells survive—but wherever it does survive, it never goes away.

Q: Is fat grafting the same as using dermal fillers?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: No, they are quite different. Fillers can create beautiful results but they are not permanent. I assess each patient and then recommend either dermal fillers, fat grafting or nano fat injections, all depending on the needs and anatomy of the patient. No two approaches are exactly the same.

Q: Can there be dimpling?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: No, the fat is injected deep under the muscle on the bone in the deep subcutaneous tissues, so there is no dimpling.

Q: Will I need anesthesia?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Depending on the nature of the fat grafting, I use either topical or general anesthesia.

Q: Is there pain?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Patients do not complain about pain – rather, there can be a little soreness after the procedure that goes away quickly.

Q: Are there risks or limitations on those who might seek fat grafting?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Any surgical procedure carries some risk, but in the case of fat grafting, it is very rare. As for limitations, I do not recommend fat grafting for patients with high blood pressure, those on blood thinners or those women who are pregnant. I require an EKG and a note from a patient’s general physician saying that patient is in medically good health and can go through minor surgery.

Q: How long before I can resume normal activities?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Most patients can go back to work and other activities after a day or two.

Q: Is fat grating expensive?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Since fat grafting is a one-time procedure with perhaps some dermal filler here and there over the years, the overall cost is very reasonable and provides savings over time.

Q: Now for nano fat injections…how does this work?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Fat cells are “harvested” in much the same way as with fat grafting. However, fat cells are processed through a series of filters until there are tiny particles and it is a kind of liquid that can be easily injected. The “mature” cells are eliminated, leaving the immature fat cells (stem cells), which help with new collagen production.

Q: Who is the best candidate for nano fat injections?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Nano fat injections are not designed to add volume (although over time some volumization does occur), but it’s extraordinarily effective at getting rid of particularly deep wrinkles and lines. Nano fat can achieve a similar, or even better result than dermal fillers, but the biggest difference is that nano fat is permanent.

Q: What about pain, anesthesia and down time?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Nano fat injections require less liposuction and most often just topical anesthesia, so there is only occasional discomfort. Down time is just one to two days, as it is with fat grafting.

Q: Since nano fat is predominately for wrinkles, how does it compare to dermal fillers?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Nano fat injections are more effective for very deep wrinkles and, of course, it is permanent, so over time there is a considerable cost savings as compared with getting dermal fillers every six to twelve months.

Q: How do you decide which type of procedure is right for each patient?

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini: Ah, that’s the art of facial and body rejuvenation. As a cosmetic surgeon, I have an in-depth understanding of anatomy, which informs me the best route for each patient. This kind of work requires education, training, and an artistic eye.

Fat Grating and Nano Fat Injections at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts

Find out how your own fat can be used to improve your appearance when you schedule a consultation at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts.

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