If you have loose skin around the abdomen or a protruding stomach after pregnancy or weight loss, you may be the ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty. Tummy tuck surgery is a popular procedure among mothers who are done having children and want their pre-pregnancy figure back. This body contouring procedure can also be the ideal choice for patients who have lost a lot of weight over their lifetime and are now left with loose or sagging skin around the midsection.
Tummy tuck surgery is a fairly extensive body contouring procedure so it important for our patients to understand how the procedure is performed, what to expect, and how to prepare for the recovery phase. You can meet with Dr. Karlinsky at our Manhattan office to learn more about this procedure, review tummy tuck before and after photos, and get answers to any questions you have about our body contouring and cosmetic surgery procedures.
Use this guide to be better informed about tummy tuck surgery:
Here are some of the key reasons why tummy tuck surgery may be right for you:
You have excess fat and tissue around the stomach area
You have a protruding belly
You have loose skin and tissue that hangs over the midsection
You want to slim down and tone up the midsection
You need to work with a highly-skilled surgeon when undergoing tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Karlinsky will make sure she uses techniques where the scars are easy to hide and will customize the procedure to balance out and enhance your silhouette.
Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures
Dr. Karlinsky performs both the full tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck at his practice. We can determine what type of procedure is most suitable for you during your consultation.
Full Abdominoplasty (Full Tummy Tuck)
The full tummy tuck procedure may involve removing excess fat and skin, repositioning and tightening the abdominal muscles, and tightening up the skin to create a flat and toned appearance. Dr. Karlinsky will need to make a long incision along the pubic bone to have access to the area above and below the belly button. This procedure can be combined with liposuction to re-move excess fat around the upper and lower abs, and to reshape the waistline. If you have weak abdominal muscles, this procedure may also involve tightening the muscles to restore the abdominal wall. She will discuss the techniques she will use in more detail during your consultation.
Mini Abdominoplasty (Mini Tummy Tuck)
If your problem areas are only below the belly button, you may be a better candidate for a mini tummy tuck, or mini abdominoplasty. This procedure has half the downtime and half the scar as a full tummy tuck and can be performed under local anesthesia. It is ideal for women who want a firmer and more defined stomach after childbirth and will involve removing and tightening excess skin around the lower abdominal area. If you only need to have a very small amount of abdominal fat and skin removed around the lower belly, the mini tummy tuck may be the ideal procedure for you. Dr. Karlinsky can determine whether you are a candidate for a mini tummy tuck during your consultation.
Learn more about the tummy tuck vs. mini tummy tuck here.
Tummy Tuck Recovery
Patients are advised to take at least one week off work after a full tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck procedure. You can expect some muscle tightness, discomfort, and swelling for several weeks after surgery and may need to take healing supplements during this time. We encourage our patients to wear a compression garment for several weeks after their procedure to support the healing process and keep the tissues in place. We will share full post-op instructions with you before your procedure.
Factors that Affect the Cost of Tummy Tuck Surgery
The cost of tummy tucks surgery in NYC varies by patient. The following factors affect the cost of tummy tuck surgery:
Anesthesiologist fees
Surgeon’s fees
Nursing care needed
Lab work
Healing supplements
Compression garment
Use of a surgical suite
Type of tummy tuck procedure
You can learn more about tummy tuck surgery by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Karlinsky at New Look New Life NYC today.