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Shed Your Extra Holiday Inches with Lunchtime Lipo

Posted January 30, 2018 in Body Surgery

Karlinsky, TT - Image

Oh, the sheer gluttony of the holidays. Starting at the end of October with Halloween candy, the sweet season continues until the last of the New Year’s Eve bubbly is enjoyed. Thank our stars—and our waistlines—that the holidays have come and gone, but perhaps not without doing a little damage to our bodies first.

For many New Yorkers, holiday weight gain is no joke. Fortunately, at New Look New Life® Cosmetic Surgical Arts, we have an effective solution that can have whittle your waistline in the time it takes to eat lunch, the aptly named, Lunchtime Lipo!

Lunchtime Lipo Fits Perfectly into Our Busy New York City Schedules

Lunchtime Lipo is the perfect solution for men and women on the go! Not only is it a quicker alternative to traditional liposuction, Lunchtime Lipo is also less invasive. Performed by Dr. Karlinsky under local anesthesia, a gently vibrating cannula helps to loosen fat before being removed. Thanks to this advanced technique, patients can enjoy a slimmer physique without downtime lengthy recovery. Our patients our thrilled that they can return to their daily routine as soon as their Lunchtime Lipo procedure is completed.

Remove Fat and Gain Confidence with Lunchtime Lipo

It is ideal for removing stubborn pockets from the face and chin, arms, stomach, love handles, and upper thighs—all common areas that our holiday treats tend to collect. Lunchtime Lipo is best for small and targeted pockets of fat, and Dr. Karlinsky may recommend traditional liposuction for patients with larger areas of fat accumulation. Many of our patients jokingly tell us that what they lost in fat, they gained in confidence!

Lunchtime Lipo at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts

Lunchtime Lipo has become one of a very popular procedure at our Manhattan and Westchester cosmetic surgery practices! You too can enjoy a slimmer physique sans holiday treats when you schedule your Lunchtime Lipo consultation at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts.